I'm Thomas. I make things.


I'm Thomas Rogers, a 2nd year Games Programming Student at The University of Derby.
I enjoy problem solving and creating engaging, interactive content. I have worked front end developer roles in the past, but enjoy challenging myself and working on a whole host of different things.

A 2nd student at the University of Derby, studying Games Programming and Computer Science:

1st Year Modules:
Introduction to Computer Science: 89
Foundations of Computer Science: 83
Subjects in Computer Science: 86
Computation Mathematics: 89

I also enjoy gaming, and think a lot about how they function, I write addons for the Final Fantasy 11 Program Windower, and am an Avid reader.

  • About

  • Education

  • Other

The Ideas Lab

The Ideas Lab

The ideas lab was conceived as a way to allow office members a way to share and utilize ideas, a project that would allow us to effectively communicate without the reliance on email. It pushed these ideas to trello, where a core team would disseminate and create a presentation out of the ideas.
It was built using the Google App Engine and Python, along with HTML5 and CoffeeScript. The python back end was in charge of sorting the JSON files, scraping webcontent based on Facebooks OpenGraph tags and metatags, and pushing files to Trello, whereas the front end would encompass all of the user experiences, including posting. As it was inteded as a hub for the office, it included Google Search and Links to office related software.

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Images Coming Soon

BJL Prototyping

BJL Prototyping

During the design phase of the BJL website creation I was in charge of creating prototypes to effectively demonstrate the interactivity of the site, and how it would look in action. It was created using the isotype framework, it went through many interations, and the one online today is not related.
Images coming soon.

Xmas Wishes

Xmas Wishes

BJL's 25th anniversary was celebrated with a campaign launched with The Big Issue, they invited four Big Issue vendors in to tell stories that would inspire art work - the art work would then become christmas cards. The cards were shared and availabe through the micro-site

View Here!
Images Later.

College Work


During my time at college, during my apprenticeship, I worked on this test website, it demonstrates a variety of techniques.
View Here!
Later Images.

Old Website

Old Website

An old portfolio site I worked on for myself back in 2011, it uses a variety of styles and technologies to create an interactive, eye pleasing experience. It uses frameworks such as Angular in order to create a dynamic experience that is able. It also uses the scrollorama framework to create a parallax effect.
It also demonstrates some skills using the Canvas element, all coded from scratch.

View Here!
I haven't decided what to put here yet, Placeholder. Probably images when I acquire them.

Postal Address

21 Irving Street
United Kingdom

T: 07415 382224
E: Podginator@gmail.com

Contact Form
